18 July 2011


Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 16 Weeks (17 on Wednesday)

Size of baby: Nug is a little bigger than a navel orange (about 4.5-5 inches from crown to rump)

Total Weight Gain: maintaining...right at 10

Maternity Clothes: pretty much in the pants department. and all of my shirts are seemingly not long enough
these days.

Gender: appt. tomorrow, maybe i can convince them to give me an ultrasound and take a sneek peak.
if not, waiting patiently until week 20.

Sleep: so-so. learning to sleep on my side is a doosy. seriously hurts my shoulders/collar bone. why do people sleep on their side if they aren't preggs? that's a huge question mark.

What I miss: working out/playing sports with my heart rate being over 140bpm.

Cravings: food that has too much intense flavor makes me naush. i.e. basil and cilantro leaves. or raw onions. sick.

Symptons: i think pregnancy made me need a power high at all times. or i just have always had control issues, and they are just now coming to light. oops. i may or may not be on edge at all times.

Best Moment this week: knowing that baby can suck his thumb now and will soon be able to kick me in the sides and let me feel his jabs. crazy.

This is last Wednesday. 16 weeks. both pics.

Baby Stacy is due December 28th, 2011. I am still in awe that there is a life growing inside of me, and God is knitting him/her together, aware of every hair on his/her head!


  1. Yippee! I love the little nug bump!

  2. Yea!!!! Baby bump post!! Just found these and so glad you are keeping this diary for Georgia:)))))
